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Selecting and Planting Advanced Trees

After deciding on the species and site for the tree, it is time to purchase the plant. It is beneficial to go to a reputable nursery and hand-pick the tree yourself. An alternative could be to hire an Arborist or landscape gardener to supply and plant the tree. A guarantee is usually provided if the supplier plants the tree themselves. If you are going to hand-pick the tree then you should look for the following:


  • There is no deadwood or broken branches.

  • The leaves are not wilted, yellowed or scorched.

  • The trunk or branch bark hasn’t been damaged in transportation.

  • Look for signs of fungal fruiting bodies or insect attack.

  • Good branch attachments

  • Co-dominant stems

  • Pot bound roots

Preferably plants should be grown in a spring ring, grow bag, or bare rooted. If in a pot, do not purchase or plant the tree if the roots are girdled or J rooted, as shown. 

Diagram of tree leader structure

Choose a tree with only one main leader 

Girdled tree roots
J roots

Undesirable root systems

Spring flower buds

When to Plant Your Tree

Evergreen trees and shrubs can be planted at any time of the year; spring and autumn are the most favourable times. Deciduous and fruit trees should be planted between July and August, as the root growth can establish in spring within the new planting site.

Planting Advanced Trees​

The plant should be kept moist and not stored for a lengthy period. The correct planting technique will ensure the tree gets a good start, with the tree’s new environment encouraging root growth and branch development. The following steps should be followed when planting your tree: 


  • Water the plant thoroughly before planting.


  • Dig a hole in the prepared site, the same size as the root ball, and loosen the soil at the bottom and sides of the hole.


  • Thoroughly soak the hole with water.


  •  Remove the pot, grow bag or grow ring.


  • Generally the roots don’t need to be teased from the ball, unless the plant is pot bound, in which case either don’t plant the tree or prune the root ball.


  • Position the tree in the hole so that the soil level is the same as the pot’s soil level.


  • Back fill and firm the soil around the roots.


  • Water the plant and apply a light dressing of fertiliser on the soil surface. Generally the plant will require regular deep watering during the first two years, to establish the tree's root system.


Nursery trees

Mulching Your Tree​

A layer of mulch 10 cm thick should be spread evenly around the base of the tree. This will keep the soil at a more even temperature, conserve moisture and prevent weed propagation.

Staking Your Advanced Tree

Often it is not necessary to stake your newly planted advanced tree. If the tree is in an exposed position, where it is likely to fall over, a stake may be needed. 

When staking your tree a loose “figure of eight” should be tied around the trunk and attached to the stake. Therefore the tree will not become dependent on the stake for support, and it will prevent the tree from falling over. ​


Ensure that the ties are loosened with the tree's growth, to allow some movement between the trunk and the stake.


Diagram of planting depth for advanced trees

Recommended planting depth - leave a small reservoir in the mulch around the trunk

Planting advanced tree

What Size Tree to Purchase​

Generally young and medium-sized advanced trees have a faster growth rate when compared to large advanced trees. Therefore if an instant effect is to be created a larger tree is supplied, yet you can get more value for money if you purchase a smaller tree with a faster growth rate. 

Leaning tree diagram

Leaning trees need the support of stakes

Stable tree diagram

Stable tree that doesn't need staking

Call us!

The Tree Crew

53 Ellsa Street,

Balwyn North

VIC 3104 AU


We mainly service the following areas:



Box Hill










Mont Albert


South Yarra


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